Ledger.com/Start® | Official | Get Start

Ledger, we're dedicated to providing Ledger.io/start seamless experiences for users looking to set up their devices securely and efficiently.

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts understand the critical importance of securing their digital assets. In this guide, we will explore the features and security measures offered by Ledger.com/Start, the official Gitbook for Ledger. From setting up your Ledger wallet to utilizing advanced security features, this article aims to provide a detailed understanding of safeguarding your cryptocurrency investments.

Getting Started with Ledger.com/Start

A. Account Creation

The journey begins with creating an account on Ledger.com/Start. Users are required to provide essential information and generate a unique username and password for enhanced security.

B. Ledger Live App Installation

Ledger Live is the official application for Ledger wallets. Learn how to download and install this app on your preferred device for seamless management of your Ledger wallet.

C. Connecting Your Ledger Device

Follow step-by-step instructions to establish a secure connection between your Ledger hardware wallet and the Ledger Live app, ensuring a safe and efficient user experience.

Last updated